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Teresa takes a different approach and focuses on the positive. Teresa Giudice. Unlike my other blogs, I'm going to try something different this week by only saying nice, Read the rest
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View celebrity photos and get the latest celebrity gossip online! Get Hollywood gossip on Teresa Giudice screams at Danielle Staub as Andy Cohen looks on during "The Real Read the rest
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Jill Zarin's Nasty Little Nephew. Yesterday, Simon van Kempen gave this interview: Filed Under Payback: Kim Granatell Wants to Sell Teresa Giudice's Belongings on eBay Read the rest
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ROLL CALL: Did Jersey Housewife' Teresa Giudice Drop 60K Following Bankruptcy? ROLL CALL: Did Jersey Housewife' Teresa Giudice Drop 60K Following Bankruptcy? Read the rest
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After giving birth to four kids -- the youngest is 9-months-old -- 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' star Teresa Giudice still has it . Giudice posed i Read the rest
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Another day, another sex tape. We reported back in April that a new sex tape of Danielle Staub, star of the Real Housewives of New Jersey was on the Read the rest
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Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion part 1: What happened to Teresa Giudice's nephew? - Columbus Ledger-Enquirer Real Housewives of New Jersey Read the rest
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We said a while back that you couldn't make these things up, and folks you simply can't when it comes to the Bravo housewives. Just a week after showing Read the rest
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Roy Disney, the son and nephew of The Walt Disney Co. founders who twice led shareholder revolts that shook up the family business, died Wednesday. Read the rest
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Cheap Gifts For Your Tween Nephew Helping 'NJ Housewife' Teresa Giudice Survive Bankruptcy? There's an App for That. Partner Links from. More Teen Stars Having Read the rest