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Outdoor gear, sporting goods, and camping equipment from REI. Find guaranteed products for backpacking, hiking, climbing, cycling, skiing, or snowboarding. Read the rest
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Save 30-60% at REI-OUTLET.com on top-name outdoor gear and clothing. Deals, discounts and bargains for camping, hiking, cycling, skiing, kayaking and more. Free Read the rest
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Lloyd and Mary Anderson founded REI in Seattle, Washington in 1938. In recent years, REI's annual financial statements have shown several million dollars in unclaimed annual Read the rest
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We inspire, educate and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship . Read the rest
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Rei Hasekura, a fictional character from the light novel series Maria-sama Ga Miteru. Rei Hino, one of the main characters in the Sailor Moon series Read the rest
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In Japanese, "Rei" can mean anything from a salute, to an example, to Rei's Homepage. Lots o' crap from art to flowers to ladybugs to screensavers and recipes, Read the rest
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The REI Visa credit card is offered exclusively to REI members. Get a bigger dividend and give back to the outdoors with no annual fee! Read the rest
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REI Camp Dome 4 Tent, Color , 4 PERSON Ideal for 3-season camping, the REI Camp Dome 4 is durable, trustworthy and a cinch to pitch—and it's Read the rest
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The REI blog is the news and information hub for people who love the outdoors, outdoor gear and clothing, and outdoor activities and adventure. Read the rest