3 perfect pi day activities the teachers' lounge
Pi, that infamously long number that students love to memorize, has its very own day. March 14th, otherwise known as 3.14, is the perfect time to let Read the rest
pi day
Piday.org is the official web site for March 14th (3.14). Learn about pi, shop for pi t-shirts, share ideas about how to celebrate pi & pi day, enjoy pi-related Read the rest
how to celebrate pi day wikihow
wikiHow article about How to Celebrate Pi Day . Celebrated on March 14 at 1:59pm, Pi Day is a special day in the lives of many people devoted to Pi. Read the rest
pi day wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Pi Day is a holiday commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 (or 3/14 in month/day date format), since 3, 1 and 4 are the Read the rest
pi day march 14 pi day t shirts pi day posters pi day mugs pi day
Pi Day March 14 Pi Day T shirts Pi Day Posters Pi Day Mugs Pi Day T shirt Pi Day Poster Pi Day Mug Pi Day Tshirts Pi Day Tshirt Pi Day Sweatshirt Pi Day Sweatshirts Read the rest
math forum t2t faq pi day
Do you know of activities to use for a Pi Day , March 14 (3.14) celebration? Read the rest
22nd annual pi day fun pi facts amp; pi day activities exploratorium
Welcome to our 22nd annual Pi Day! Come help us celebrate the never-ending number Pi (3.14159…), as well as Einstein's birthday. Founded at the Exploratorium by Read the rest
pi day songs
Pi Day (March 14 or 3-14) is a day to celebrate our favorite number, 3.14159. The marvelous mysteries of this number could be probed forever, but we will limit Read the rest
teachpi org a teacher's complete pi day resource
Welcome to TeachPi.org, the first and best place on the Web for teachers who want to find or share ideas for Pi Day activities, learning, and entertainment. Read the rest
pi day information from answers com
Pi Day Mar 14. A day to celebrate pi—the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Since that mathematical constant is about 3.14, Mar 14 Read the rest