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More than 50 followers of spiritual guru James Arthur Ray had just endured five strenuous days of fasting, sleep-deprivation and mind-altering breathing Read the rest
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James Arthur Ray. James Arthur Ray (born November 22, 1957) is a self-help guru who wrote the New York Times best-seller "Harmonic Wealth. James Arthur Ray came under Read the rest
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James Arthur Ray (born November 22, 1957) is a motivational speaker and author. He is the ! author of Harmonic Wealth, a New York Times bestseller frequently featured Read the rest
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People who trusted James Arthur Ray with their money and their safety are dead :: But the useless D-bag keeps right on scamming . Read the rest
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On Wednesday, the professional career of telegenic New Age guru James Arthur Ray came tumbling down when an Arizona jury found him guilty of the negligent homicide of Read the rest
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James Arthur Ray is a New York Best seller with his brilliant road map to Harmonic Wealth. You may remember James from the Oprah Show for His role in the movie The Secret. Read the rest
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Today we're going to wrap up our conversation about God, nature, and man; and how our definition of these three aspects determine the way we operate with each of them in Read the rest
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James Arthur Ray (born November 22, 1957) is a motivational speaker. and author. He is the author of Harmonic Wealth, a New York Times bestseller Read the rest
james ray found guilty of negligent homicide in arizona sweat
The self-help author James Arthur Ray was convicted today after he was accused in the deaths of three people during a Sedona, Ariz., sweat lodge ceremony in 2009 and Read the rest
sweat lodge trial james arthur ray guilty of negligent homicide
Self-help guru James Arthur Ray was found guilty of negligent homicide Wednesday, nearly two years after three people died in a sweltering sweat lodge for Read the! rest